Warren County ARTS | wcarts.org

Question: What is a FAQ? 

Answer:  FAQ is an acronym for "frequently asked question"


Question: How can I join Warren County Arts?

Answer: Come to a monthly meeting, let us know you'd like to join, fill in a membership application and bring a check for your annual membership dues. Or download the application from the Membership tab and mail in a check. Or signup electronically using the Buy Now or Subscribe buttons.  


Question: Do I need to be an artist or a professional artist or a specific type of artist to join WCARTs? 

Answer: No!


Question: How much is Membership in WCARTS?

AnswerSingle Membership = $30/year

Family Membership = $55/year

Senior (75yrs +) Membership = $25/year

Student (18yrs+ with student ID) Membership = $20/year   


Question: When & Where are the monthly meetings held?

Answer: We meet the 2nd Saturday from 1-3pm (except for July & August when we take a break) at the Municipal Building, 11 Green Street, Oxford NJ. The July meeting is a picnic and there is no meeting in August.  December, we have a holiday potluck luncheon. See the schedule on the Event tab for details. 


Question: How can I take a leadership role in WCARTs?

Answer: Volunteers to participate in assisting with group activities are always welcome. Elections for Officer and Committee members are held in January each year.